
I have a hearing problem which seems to kick in more when I am stressed...the hearing problem allows me to hear noises, or at least some of them, and so in the words of a friend of mine "absent information, we fill in the blanks", which is what my brain does. Here are some highlights of what I hear vs. what was really said - enjoy!

I facilitate focus groups and one group I was working with was teenagers, who tend to talk really fast which makes it an interesting challenge for me to hear them sometime. The subject matter of the group was about youth percetions of alcohol and drug use and I had just asked a question about "what do drug dealers look like?" One of the responses the "I heard" was..."they look like teachers" - REALLY? As a facilitator, I kept a straight face and wrote that response down on the board and as soon as I finished writing there was a collective groan in the room as the respondent explained that they had really said, "they wear white t-shirts". Whew!

In the car the other day with my daughter and on the radio comes this: "save a child sponge"...what they said "save for your child's fund"

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